Dr. Tiller Works in Baltimore, MD.
June 6th, 2009
I worked in abortion care for 8 years. Every day was an honor. I worked as a counselor, administrator and oversaw an abortion fund. I’ve held the hand of several thousand women during their abortions.

During that time I had the privilege to meet Dr. Tiller. He was an incredible, compassionate person. And a gifted physician. He gave of himself in ways that was rare and courageous. He and his incredible staff provided their patients with the highest quality of care. And he worked with the part of abortion that few would dare to. He worked with late term abortions. With the patients who were in the greatest need. Those experiencing fetal anomalies. Those who had multiple issues that prevent decision making early in pregnancy. And he treated his patients with the respect that every woman deserves.

Pregnancy is a constant thought for women who have sex with men. We take birth control pills every day, we put plastic over a penis before we let it enter us, we put devices in our uterus, patches on our skin, little cups full of spermicide around our cervix. Most often these measures work. Sometimes they don’t. And sometimes, for all kinds of reasons, a mistake, forgetfulness, drugs or alcohol, abuse, mental illness – we don’t use them. And pregnancy happens. Then we have to make decisions. Sometimes the pregnancy is unplanned, but welcome. Sometimes adoption is a good option. Sometimes abortion is the best choice.

The ethics around ending a pregnancy differ for each woman. For some, it feels like killing, but it’s still the best thing for them and their families. For others, it’s not killing, but it’s a tragedy. And for others, it’s just not a big deal. What mattered to me as a provider was meeting each of these women exactly where they were, honoring their decision, their ethics, spirituality and process. And providing them with the tools necessary to walk through this part of their life with dignity and health.

I am proud to say

I am Dr. Tiller.
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